Monday, June 13, 2011

Hall Pass

I've got a hall pass. A reprieve. Time off for good behavior. Or maybe it's just that Momma and Daddy have finally lost their minds and the kids need to ship them off to get fixed!

So Wednesday, we are leaving town for five glorious days of no kids!

An extra long weekend where I will not be a mommy, a cook, a walking laundromat, the woman with all the answers. I will be totally kept out of the loop. I can not wait for the simple pleasures of not have kids going number two while I'm a hostage in the shower, and no coffee that's been reheated twenty times because I can't stop long enough to finish it. I can revisit my old friend SLEEP with no nonsense at 6:00 in the morning. Or maybe we can have dinner without looking at the kids menu first. The possibilities are endless…

So you may not see many posts from me this week. I will be thinking of you no, not really while I'm enjoying myself. I won't even think about my motley crew and what they might be doing to my mother’s house. I figure it's a 50/50 probability I'll come home to a battle scene from Braveheart.

But today, I don't care. For today, I pack!

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