Friday, February 25, 2011

The Middle Child

This is what the middle child did to me.
This is what a 9, 9-er looks like from the outside. 
He made my belly stretch beyond anything normal, its never been the same. I jiggle!
I'm smiling because my epidural is on the way.

This is a 9 lb, 9 oz baby just born, 2 weeks early looks like.    TWO weeks early people! If this guys came when he was due, I would be in bad shape!

This is what he looks like today, 6 years old.... 
 I can say yes, colic does end.... eventually. 
 He hasn't stopped eating.
He loves his mama's cooking.
He hasn't stopped, EATING
He will probably be a test pilot or a storm chaser.
He loves his Lego's, secretly he places them where we might step at night (this place is booby trapped). 
He is my early bird, never does he sleep past 7 a.m.....ever!
However he will be in bed by  8:00 p.m.and asleep. 
He's hungry!
 He loves his Kolache Cake!  The Czech is coming out of him in more than just one way.  He is slightly stubborn, persistent and can hold a grudge FOREVER!
And I have come full circle as to why I jiggle...the end!

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