Monday, March 7, 2011

My personality disorder

I think every mom has a personality disorder.  Here are some of the ladies that are currently within my residence. 

Exhibit A:  June Cleaver

June comes in full swing whenever someone says, " I be over in a few minutes to drop off  _________."  Then we hide all the evidence that someone lives here.  Please don't look in the dishwasher, oven, microwave or even the bathtub it may be cramped packed with crap stuff.  And while I am at it, let me whip up appetizers, chill the wine, break out the juice boxes, put on my pearls and lipstick   Perfection!

Exhibit B:  Eunice

Eunice comes out in the car most of the time.  Especially when my kids are acting like they just got paroled and they need to be scared into mutes, so I may figure out where the heck I am going.  She may even come out all on here own, thus leaving daddy to deal with the nonsense and mommy to take a time out. 

Exhibit C:  Joy

I so believe we all need a little Joy in our hearts.  Joy doesn't deal with nonsense, she doesn't deal with anyone messing with her husband or her children.  Joys the one who throws the lid on crazy town and moves on.  She's my favorite!

                  (turn off the player at the botttom of blog to hear video, the sound is not that great)

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