Thursday, September 9, 2010

20 things about Andy

20. He was once a fireman, EMT and a sheriff

19. He was only a sheriff for 10 minutes maybe 20

18. I once saw him eat his body weight in chocolate. He didn't gain an ounce

17. He fell asleep in the movie theatre on our first date.

16. His favorite condiment is Ketchup

15. He has had a goatee for over a year now

14. He took a test for the Mensa society and passed and yet still can't find his socks.

13. He only wears wrangler jeans

12. Secretly he wears reading glasses

11. He takes guitar lessons and has a voice of an angel when he sings

10. He can figure out how to run the Hoover dam in less than an hour

9. His dream vacation would be the Hoover dam

8. His real name is not Andy

7. He made me change a tire in the middle of August while he watched and instructed

6. He loves roller coasters

5. He can solve a rubics cube in under 3 minutes

4. His waist size was once a 29, now its a 33

3. He is 8 years older than me

2. He almost got to deliver Katie, he was bummed that he did not

1. He is hands down the best husband and father in the whole wide world!

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