We have had quite a few funny moments this week. Caden our sweet 3 year old decided to pee in the right field during Clayton's T-ball game. Well at least his back was turned, however field number 5 (the one directly in front of him) got the full view. I guess it truly is a blessing they keep the little kids toward the back of the ball park. Clayton decided that his hair cut wasn't up to pare and did a little snip job of his own. He did it at school, right before his school pictures. It will be a photo that will not be forgotten and posted as soon as we get them. And Katie, well she is learning to get her licks in while she can. If the boys are in grabbing range, she's got you. She doesn't care if it's a shirt or hair, she is holding on. Life is never a dull moment around here ! We took the kids to the pumpkin patch last Friday, they had a blast putting pumpkins in the wagon and rolling them. Katie had fun tasting them, she has started teething again. I think her top teeth are coming in and she is kind of cranky. Last night we had a fall carnival at church. The kids got to play games and eat hot dogs, all around good fun. This halloween they are going as Tom & Jerry and of course baby nibbles. They look so cute in their cat and mouse costume. This week is our last week of fall ball, the boys have had a blast playing. It will be different having my Saturdays back. It truly feels like Fall this year, the temperatures have been much cooler than normal, truly getting you into the holiday mood. Until I write again, happy fall ya'll !!!
1 comment:
What a cutie pie! She looks just like Clayton.
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