Katie has taken to the fast lane, she is moving. Up on all fours and crawling all through the house. Of course this has not impressed her brothers. They have taken all the toys to the high ground (upstairs). This of course has motivated Katie to use the stairs. The gates are going up this weekend. T-ball is going well and Clayton still loves it. He played pitcher and 3rd base this past week. He loved getting almost every ball and throwing to first. It was my turn this week to be dug out mom. I had to organize the batting order, get helments in order, get the 5 year olds in line for bat, then send them out. And of course then it started over in getting gloves, and hats then out to the field to their positions. Which of course they don't know, the coaches then directed them to their posts. Too much fun, they are so cute in the field picking flowers and chasing bugs, ours makes dirt angels when he is outfield. Caden can't wait to be on the field, he tries to sneak in when we aren't looking. He thinks that dirt is the best for his trucks.For anyone who wonders what Cadens expression this week is, it is " what you talking about." Example, "Caden can you pick up your toys", " What you talking about, Mommy."... We have a birthday today, Andy turns 41. I haven't let him get out of his chair and he has control of the remote all day. The kids and I have made a cake that doesn't look like the picture its suppose to be, but the important thing is that it tastes great! The boys think he needs ALL of his candles on it, I think we will start a fire. I finished the blog on Sunday, October 5, I started the 3rd...Not too much going on this week, Andy has to work late Monday and Tuesday. Our next game is Thursday. Until then we are sending our love....
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