Their is a whole chef salad incident there as well. I will say it was added to my hubby's wall of shame. He only has 2 so far, the first was the truck incident of 2005...
Andy was suppose to deliver Katie ( it was one of his crazy bucket list, EMT items he wanted to do), but there was meconium present once my water broke, so NICU had to be called in and the doctor had to do the delivery. She came out screaming like a banshee and NICU was called off, saying her lungs were fine.
All of this on Feb. 1, I denied I was even in labor when I got up that morning. I was scheduled for an induction on the 7th. Such a whirlwind day, I didn't have a thing packed, I still had 2 little boys to deal with and prepare for. I had to make phone calls...all of this was so not me. I'm a control freak, I have plans and organization and plans. I know where, when and how things should be until one teeny, tiny little girl said otherwise.
Here she is 3 years later and I can see the fingerprints of God all over her... She is getting so big. I rejoice of the small glimpse of baby left in her. The quiet time at night when she might fall asleep on me and Andy scoops her up to bed. She still sucks her right thumb when she gets tired, and she always has to have her blanket...
1 comment:
Cupcake made by the devil! Bahaha! I love it...describes MY girls to a tee too. I'll have to remember that one. She is a beautiful little girl! Love seeing the blog updates!
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