I can not believe that it is already April, this weekend is Easter soon May and then summer. The weather is getting warmer and the days are longer, we so enjoy being outside and take advantage of the longer days. Actually its been nice, no TV watching we are playing or planting our garden. Well I'm planting the kids are playing with mud. Clayton turned 6 on the 24th of March and he has grown a whole inch since then. T-ball has also started so we are at the ball field at least a couple of times during the week. Caden is busy being the mischievous one, bless him he can not help but enter a room with a commotion. He is at that stage of spilling everything he holds on too, falling or getting scrapped up or just being territorial with everything. The joys of a middle child I guess. Miss Katie is truly expressing what it means to be a girl. She is DRAMA written all over it right now. If she doesn't get her sweet way, she will sit and scream until attention to her is demanded. Even if that's a trip upstairs to time out. However her curiosity and discovery of things is quite neat. She loves to help unload the dishwasher, and throw trash or anything else on the floor away ,bath time is her favorite she can stay in there until she is past pruney. And I so love that when she gets sleepy she has her favorite blanket and her right thumb goes in her mouth, but only when she is sleepy no other time is she a thumb sucker. It is so sweet to watch the innocence. Andy has been busy with work, we had a bad storm pass through here about 2 weeks ago. So he is busy with checking on his buildings. The insurance adjuster came out yesterday and our whole roof is getting replaced. Plus the trucks got dinged up nicely and the windshield on mine will be replaced. It was just one of those weird spring storms we get her occasionally. Andy ran into the house when the hail was coming down, mind you he had doubled up his jacket for head cover. He still got nailed, and had quite the gash from it. He should have gone in for stitches, but he realizes that now. This Sunday was our palm Sunday picnic at church, it was cute watching the kids go on the Easter egg hunt. I loved eavesdropping on Clayton telling Caden how to do it, properly. Caden on the other hand had his own ideas. He would come to an egg, open it, drop the chocolate into the basket, toss the egg and go to the next. Well, why would you waste your time with empty eggs, go for the good stuff. Clayton racked up as always, game plan in hand paid off. Katie had the whole lawn to herself, so her pickings were plentiful. It was something to remember, the best things in life aren't things!
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