Happy New Year ! Time sure has flown in 2008, we have had many adventure, discovery and love for this wonderful life of ours. All of course has been guided by our great Lord and savior... Our most recent adventure was in the mountains of New Mexico. We loaded up the truck and took the kids to Ruidoso for Christmas. Wow, what a beautiful sight. The mountain was just gorgeous with new snow, we of course did not ski. I thought it was best for this novice cold weather family to check things out first, before diving in. Plus that the kids are just too small to be left with an Indian tribe. However, we did tackle the mountain, Andy drove a whooping 10 miles an hour up the 12 miles to the top. You should have seen the line behind us, be glad you were not in it! The point is he got us there safely and in one piece, yarn would be a better guard rail as to what they had. At the top it was just spectacular, the kids loved throwing snowballs and making snow angels. Caden loved watching the airplanes fly over and yes you could actually read the name of the airline. We felt Katie wasn't bundled up enough, so we wrapped her in Andy's jacket. All you could see was her sweet head. Both boys had to take snow back with them and yes it has made it all the way home into my freezer. We were so blessed that we got a sprinkling of snow Christmas night at our house and the next day was a full on snow shower. I think we ended up with about 6 inches. The boys got to break out the sled and go sledding. We played in it, ate it, made snow angels and anything else you could think of we did it all day long. My apologies go to the home owner, some of the cookie sheets aren't exactly the same. Its amazing how far you can slid on one of those, just ask our friend Sarah...Then after a good day of playing in the snow, it is always a necessity to get comfy in your pajamas and have a PJ party with great friends. Enjoy are pictures and I wish you love for this incredible and beautiful new year
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