School has started for Clayton, he is officially a Kindergartner. He loves all, but music, its too loud he says. PE is still the favorite. I am not too crazy about the white uniform shirt, that has yet to come home the color it left in. It actually has more color to it in the afternoon. Thats how I know he had a fun day. Caden is adjusting to the days without Clayton at home, I love how he gathers up all of Clayton's toys and plays uninterrupted for hours. By lunch
he is ready to go get Clayton. Miss Katie is army crawling all over the house and starting to bug her brothers with her new curiosity of things. She has her first tooth. The second one is not too far away, she is really drooling. This weekend we are setting up her room, she is officially out of the bassinet. We decided that when we caught her sitting up in it. She is getting more hair, I think I saw a few strand come over her ears. We are suppose to have our first T-Ball practice this Saturday, but I'm afraid it will be a rain out. The boys will be upset, they can't use their gear. And let me tell you, we have GEAR. Pants, shoes, gloves, and balls complete the look. This has been an event far better than school to look forward too. Andy's been busy with work these last few days, he had some very late nights Monday and Tuesday. So he will be recovering this weekend. I have a big Mary Kay event for next week, so I am gathering up all my goods for the show. I have been invited to my high schools homecoming, they are doing some presentation to all the past cheerleaders. As long as they don't make me get into my uniform or perform gymnastic stunts, I'm all in.

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