I have about 6 more weeks to go and then I can celebrate. Until then I hope I do not jinx our family, I've knocked on a lot of wood to prevent it! But I can't help but say our family has been Allergy free for a year. Can you believe it, here in Central Texas the capital of allergies, we have yet to suffer. Sure the kids had a cold, and we did pass the stomach bug around, but that is all. As you know for the past 6 years we have battled with pollen, unsuccessfully. Many, many trips to the doctors for meds, many trips to wal-grens to get refills and clear liquids. Many dollars wasted....What changed last March, well I will tell you I got a revelation that medication was not working for my kids and I need something new. So I started taking the kids to a chiropractor, yes a chiropractor. The first thing he informed me was to take my kids off ALL dairy. What all dairy are you crazy, this family drinks 2 gallons a week, not to mention all the cheese consumption. How would we live... Well the truth be told after doing much research, dairy is one of the worst things for you. I challenge you to do the research yourself or go to naturalnews.com and start your own research. Natual News is not the only place, but its a good start. As I dug deeper in my research 4 out of 5 of us have the blood type A, therefore our bodies can't handle the casein in dairy. SO you put that all together, and your body is busy fighting the dairy off, it can't handle the pollen. Somethings got to give and it was our sinus and respiratory system. This was the start of our Healthy Lifestyle.
How we do it NOW:
Dairy has been replaced with rice or almond milk, which tastes very good and can be used in a lot of recipes. I do not use Soy, it will break down your immunity and cause chaos in your body.
We upped our vitamins and supplements. All of us take Juice Plus for our multi, I can't sing more praised for this whole foods multi vitamin that is 100% absorbed in your bodies. Plus you get ALL your servings of fruits and veggies.
We also take Tuna oil, which is better than fish oil due to the fact is has a higher omega 3 and is least likely to go rancid as fast as others. IF you are burping up fish oil, that is a sign of old and rancid oil.
Calcium is taken also but that is in whole foods form, not dairy.
All refined "white" produces have been thrown out, sugar and flour they have been replaced with Natural sugar or agave nectar as for the flour I use many different kinds.
Coconut oil is one of my favorites to replace butter, plus you get the great added advantage of a natural anti-viral med. If you buy it make sure it is Organic Extra Virgin Coconut oil, tons of great benefits. I also use olive for cooking.
Apple cider vinegar is also on our must have list, it increases the acidity in your system making it harder for virus and bacterial infections to live. My kids have it in their juice, and they don't know it!
Juice, Juice, Juice it is so worth the investment to buy a juicer. You can't have too many fruits and vegetables in your diet. God put Adam and Eve in the garden for goodness sake!
Where's the Beef, not here. Rarely do we eat beef, unless it is organic grass fed. Again it has something to do with our bodies and our Type A blood. Plus it isn't good for you. Yes, we do get cravings for fajitas and a good ole burger, but we pay for it later. We stick with chicken and fish primarily.
Does this cost more??? No, plan your meals in advace (a menu) , buy in bulk (fruits, veggies and meat)and don't eat out! Take advantage of your farmers market.
All of my cleaning products are by Melaleuca, yes I order them. They are natural, safe and cheaper than the store. Everything from toothpaste to detergent I love and will not use anything else.
In a nut shell, if Man has made it, We don't eat it!!! I have done things over time, not all at once. My poor family would have gone into shock! Now over a year these things are normal for us. Do we splurg and have ice cream or pizza, yes we do. I keep things normal for my kids, But on a day to day basis we do not. This is not a fade or what's in fashion right now, this is simply PREVENTION for the future. This world is simply crazy with greed, and if it is cheaper, faster and easier we as Americans will buy it, and consume it. This also goes for the big pharma companies as well! That is for another soapbox moment. You can not replace what GOD has given us. Get educated and informed about the world, it is changing and we have to stick to what is right. And that means getting back to our roots of simplicity.